New England Orthopedic Society

Call for Abstracts

NEOS Kilfoyle Awards

Submission deadline: 

Thursday, May 1, 2025

Dear colleagues and friends,

The New England Orthopedic Society will award a cash prize to the best original scientific paper prepared by a Medical Student, Resident or Fellow, and presented at the podium during our 2025 Spring Meeting to be held Fri-Sun, May 30 - Jun 1, at The Samoset Resort, in Rockport, Maine. Second and third places will also be awarded a cash prize. Please note that no posters will be scheduled for this meeting.

Abstracts must be based on unpublished original work but might have been submitted to other meetings or journals (not presented). Please encourage your residents and fellows to submit their abstracts for consideration.

Submission guidelines

  • Please submit a 300-350 words PDF or Word version of your abstract via email to our Administrator at
  • Must include introduction, objective, methodology, results and conclusion. 
  • Please indicate one of the following categories:
    • Basic Science
    • Database/ Survey based Research
    • Clinical Research
  • Max of two (2) submissions per main author
  • Research must include a New England or New York based author and/or institution.


  • Thursday, May 1, 2025: submission deadline.
  • Wednesday, May 14, 2025: Acceptance/Rejection letters will be sent via email.


  • Registration is free of fees for all medical students, residents, fellows and all NEOS active members. Registration is available online on our website at

NEOS Membership

  • The NEOS membership can be an invaluable tool for your professional career. Your NEOS membership comes with free access to both our Spring and Fall meetings, speaking, networking and leadership opportunities. If you are a NEOS member and haven't already, please consider renewing your dues. If you are not a member, consider joining NEOS today! Click here for more information and online application.

Best regards,

Executive Committee
New England Orthopedic Society

P.O. Box 549127. Waltham, MA 02454-9127.
Phone: 781-434-7314 | Email:

New England Orthopedic Society is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization

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